Awards & Recognitions

RAC AWARD – Criteria For Nomination

  • The nominee should be an individual, one clearly aware of any or all of the civic problems, hazard or rights in the area of operation.
  • Nominee should have clearly identified any one or more area which needs immediate and concerted efforts and should have made positive contributions in alleviating, mitigating or eradicating the suffering of the mankind either by himself or along with a group or should have been a driving force as a catalyst in forcing the local body to act effectively.
  • The nominee in the opinion of the sponsor legion should be likely to continue his crusade for the cause in the future.
  • The sponsor legion should take effective and necessary measures that the nominee is truly apolitical and that his actions are genuinely constructive and not influenced by any political doctrine or affiliation.
  • The nominee should be genuinely selfless and dedicated to the cause.
  • Judging at legion level may be done by a panel consisting of one senior and two members of public of good standing.
  • The award will be standardized by the NGB and designs sent to legions.
  • The awards of legion level should be given away before January 26th every year, preferably on 26th January.
  • The awardees at legion level may be nominated for national award. The nomination should reach the NS in the prescribed form before the deadline stipulated by the NGB every year.
  • The National Award will be given away during the National concourse every year.


  • Reporting Promptly on Bi-Monthly Basis before 10th of next month.
  • Attending all National and Regional Events of ISC
  • Financial Contribution to ISC for Concorse, Inscrol etc
  • Minimum 6 Meetings in an Year with 3 Family Get Together
  • 1 Family Picnic
  • Payment of Dues before Due Date
  • Minimum 10 Registration for Concourse including Family