The Senior Chamber International an officially registered organisation as per the Societies registration Act XXI of 1860 vide Registration Certificate No. KKD/CA/333/2021 dated 18th October 2021.

The Senior Chamber movement was earlier started at Calicut by the like minded past Jaycees on 3rd April 1997. In February 2002 it became a National organization with the name of Indian Senior Chamber.

The social responsibility, involvement and bondages are the integral part of human life of an active citizen. It is a general observation that the services of experienced, well- trained individuals have not been utilized by the society to their optimum level. The personalised objectives and vast resources of the Junior Chamber/other NGOs have such dynamic and prospective individuals. Hence it was felt that by creating and organizing a Senior Chamber Movement, their skills could further be honed and the society shall be the benefited in large. The Senior Chamber International would aim at channelizing the well- developed experience of socially inclined individuals for serving the community. The membership norms stipulate that the eligible past and current members who have crossed the age of 40 years from JCI and other NGOs to be invited and inducted into the organization.




Responsible and active citizenship is our motto.

Encourage responsible and active citizenship among general public and its members in particular. Act as a Non-Governmental Organization in supporting development programs of Government, local bodies, statutory bodies etc. Impart in the public, necessary awareness and civic sense. Organize seminars, symposia, workshops and programs in pursuance of the objects of the society. Build, run and manage libraries, educational institutions, houses for poor and destitute etc. Perform works of charity and service for those in need irrespective of caste, creed and community.


The Logo

The world with its universality and fraternity is the backdrop of the logo. International understanding is the theme it symbolizes. The graphic picture of two individuals represents fellowship and understanding.

The shield between the two individuals signifies the nucleus from which Senior Chamber is emerged and the cohesive force that binds all individuals on planet earth in an undying bond.

The colors of the logo shall be blue for the outlining and lettering. The continents shall be in gold colour. The font for the lettering “Senior Chamber International” shall be in old English in blue colour.


Vision: “To be the leading network of Responsible and active citizen of the eligible past and current members of JCI and other NGOs for creating a better world”

Mission: “To promote and provide opportunities that gives passion to responsible and active citizenship”


1. To promote goodwill and fellowship among its members and the general public.
2. To encourage responsible and active citizenship among the public in general and its members in particular
3. To act as a non-governmental organization in community development programs of the government, local bodies, statutory boards, and charity works.
4. To impart necessary awareness and civic sense in the general public.
5. To act as guiding organization to protect the legal and ethical rights of the Senior Citizens of the land and also to ensure comfortable and peaceful living condition to them.


The proposed activities of the Society to achieve the above objectives are as follows:

  1. To organize seminars, symposia, workshops and the like in pursuance of the objects of the society
  2. To build, run and manage libraries, education institutions, houses for the poor & destitute etc…
  3. To perform works of charity and services for those in need irrespective of caste, creed or Community.
  4. To encourage the extension of Senior Chamber legions of this Society throughout India and other countries in such manner as may be deemed fit.
  5. To co-ordinate the activities of the members called its legions of the Society and to take common action in the interest of the Society.
  6. To foster amongst the individual members of the Society, a spirit of genuine civic interest, offering them opportunities for participation, in social and economic advancement of the Nation.
  7. To invest the money of the Society not immediately required, in such securities as are provided in the Indian Trust Act.
  8. To rent, purchase, build and lease or otherwise acquire suitable land, building or buildings and to fit and furnish the same or make arrangements for the building or building filled and furnished.
  9. To manage, conduct and carry on in the building, purchased, rented, leased, built or otherwise acquired the business of the society for the convenience of the members of the Society and visitors thereto.
  10. To raise funds through subscription from individual members of legion for the fulfillment of the objects of the Society.
  11. To borrow any money required for the purpose of the Society with or without securities as may be determined.
  12. To extend the benefits of the Society to the general public of the Country even beyond the members of this Society.
  13. To extend the Senior Chamber movement to other countries of the world.
  14. To establish a Secretariat and other administrative offices of Senior Chamber International.
  15. To donate or otherwise assist in any manner to any public charitable institutions or public charitable objects in so far as such donation or assistance are not in contravention of the objects of the Society.
  16. To contribute or subscribe to Government or local bodies, institutions such sum on such terms and conditions for all or any of the objects of the Society herein before or herein after stated.
  17. To subscribe, contribute or donate to any public fund, devoted to any public or Charitable object.
  18. To accept any contribution in cash or in kind from any person, firm, company, institution or Governments for such purpose and objects as are enumerated in the memorandum.
  19. To take any action conducive to the accomplishment of any of the above purposes. The objects outlined in any sub-clause of this clause shall not be in any way restricted by reference to or inference from the term of any other sub-clause or the powers thereby conferred shall be deemed subsidiary or ancillary merely to the objects mentioned in the first sub-clause of these clauses of the Society shall have full powers in all or any part of this clause.
  20. To apply the income and property of the Society where so ever derived from, solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Society as set forth in this memorandum of association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by ways of dividends, bonus or otherwise, however by way of profits that nothing herein shall prevent the payment of salary or remuneration in good faith to officers or employed staff of the Society or other persons in return or any services actually rendered to the Society.

21. To act as a guiding organization to protect the legal and ethical rights of the Senior Citizens and also to ensure comfortable and peaceful living condition to them and also file necessary litigation before the concerned authorities including High Court and Supreme Court.

Senior Chamber International Foundation Charitable & Educational Trust

Senior Chamber International Foundation Charitable & Educational Trust was formed to give a focus on the Organisational Motto ‘Responsible and Active Citizenship’ and to express our social commitment. The SCI Foundation through various foundation honours shall create the corpus fund by the philanthropic donors of the organization and society. Such fund shall be utilised to give Professional Scholarships to needy students, Community Projects Incentives to the Legion & Charity/Community Programmes at the SCI level etc.

In the Current SCI year the following Foundation Honors are invited from the worthy and philanthropic members of the SCI Legions.

  1. Consulate [Csl]– Rs. 10000.00
  2. P. Premanand Fellow [PPF] – Rs. 5000.00
  3. Progressive P. P. Premanand Fellow [PPPF] – Rs 5000.00 or in multiples of Rs. 50000.00

The Legions Presidents and Management Committee shall identify the suitable donors and submit their nomination in the prescribed Form [Refer Page no. 36] along with the prescribed Fees payable to the Senior Chamber International Foundation Charitable & Educational Trust

Bank Account Is as below

Account Name: Senior Chamber International Foundation Charitable & Educational Trust

Bank: State Bank of India, Calicut  YMCA Cross Road Branch

Account No: 41521085193

IFSC: SBIN0070188

Account Type: Current

  1. Any active Legion may propose the name of an active Senior who may be termed as a stalwart and has contributed to the community and Senior Chamber movement in particular, in the prescribed form along with the fee prescribed from time to
  2. The National Governing board may approve the proposal by unanimous positive
  3. No reasons need be attributed to any disproval.
  4. Senior Consuls shall be life members of Senior Chamber International.